
Serving Chandler, AZ and the East Valley

Vehicle Diagnosis, Repair and Maintenance Done Right. Guaranteed.

Hontech 30th Year

Serving Chandler, AZ and the East Valley

Vehicle Diagnosis, Repair and Maintenance Done Right. Guaranteed.

Auto Services, Locally Owned & Operated by Hontech

Auto Services, Locally Owned & Operated by Hontech

Our certified automotive technicians have the knowledge, experience and training necessary to provide you with quality work for all of your car or truck service needs. Enjoy auto maintenance and service work completed on time when you choose Hontech as your vehicle service specialists. Since 1992, Hontech has been serving the residents of Chandler and the surrounding areas, delivering satisfaction with every repair. We are locally-owned and operated. We are dedicated to your automotive diagnosis, repair and maintenance. Our work is done right and guaranteed.

Auto AC Service

Auto AC systems work using three main parts: the compressor, condenser, and evaporator. We’ll make sure all work seemlessly.

Auto Diagnostics

We provide each customer with diagnostic service and review your vehicle’s needs thoroughly and answer any questions upfront.

Auto Brake Service

Brake repair and service is just one of the auto repair services we offer to our valued customers in the Chandler, AZ area.

Oil & Filter Change

Technology has advanced enough that oil changes are needed less often. Intervals depend on the make and model of your vehicle.

Scheduled Maintenance

Factory Scheduled Maintenance for your vehicle’s mileage at 15k, 30K, 60K, 90K, 100k, 120k, 150k and beyond.

Timing Belt Replacement

Vehicles with a timing belt must have the timing belt replaced as the manufacturer maintenance schedule recommends.

Classic Honda

Frequently Asked Questions

Some questions we get asked quite frequently from new customers.

Does Hontech perform auto body work and collision repair?2022-03-03T22:38:26+00:00

Yes. When it comes to collision repair, we work on all makes and models and all styles of vehicles. Hontech has the equipment and expertise for auto body damage restoration, from minor dents and dings to major body repairs.

Does Hontech service brakes?2021-08-25T20:22:10+00:00

Yes, Hontech offers brake repair and services at our Chandler, AZ location.

Do you offer rental car options?2021-08-25T20:23:58+00:00

No, we don’t offer rental cars but we can assist you in finding the most convenient rental car company.

What types of vehicles do you service?2021-08-25T20:26:25+00:00

We service, maintain and repair most makes and models of internal combustion engine vehicles.

Auto Repair & Service Promotions

AC Special - 10% Off Parts
AC Special - 10% Off Parts
Not valid with other offers. Contact us or see associate for details.
Coolant - Free Checkup
Coolant - Free Checkup
Not valid with other offers. Contact us or see associate for details.
City of Chandler
Downtown Chandler
Chandler AZ Chamber
Metro PHX Alliance
East Valley Partnership
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